Pleiadian Light Council

Valentine's Day Message of Hope

Valentine’s Day Message from the Pleiadian Light Council as channeled by Cathy Corcoran Cherkes

The following is a channeled message from The Pleiadian Light Council for Valentine’s Day 2021…

The trumpets are sounding,
The drums strike their beat, 
The horses are prancing,
And together we meet.

To gather together
No fear in our hearts
The time fast approaching
To make the new start.

The world is now ready
To birth a new dream
Seeds planted for eons
Bringing fresh air oh so clean.

For love is awakening
Shining Bright, bursting forth,
A new age is now dawning,
A new destiny taking course.

Will you join in the march now,
Become one with the Light,
Taking hands with the many
Who stand strong and shine bright?

For your choice makes the difference
Between darkness and Light
Have great faith in our future
And greet Joy, our true birthright.

Please stand with the Many
Who hold happiness dear,
Hold your beacon ever higher,
Make the pathway so clear.

And for all of my dear friends now and to come:

And for you, my dear friends,
I give great thanks every day,
For our friendship so special,
My love grows every day.

As the worlds shifts around us,
Our bond will hold strong,
It is Love that will save Earth
So She sings a new song.

A song of such power,
Dissolving darkness into Light,
We each hold the Key now
To our future so bright.

Holding faith in the Many
Who are rising to the Light,
The power residing within us
To bring wrong back to right.

Be of good cheer now,
Simply live through your heart,
Hold love without boundaries,
Watch our world’s fresh new start.

Believe in the power
Of the Many who sing,
Bright beginnings await us,
Welcome in signs of the new Spring.

You are one of the chosen,
Of this have no doubt,
You hold the key to awakening,
Fill your heart, come about.

For the voyage takes wing now,
Course charted and refined,
Ride the waves with the Many,
Knowing each is Divine.

Many Blessings to All from The Pleiadean Light Council on this day of Unconditional Love.