Remembering your Light, Returning to Joy

There are limitless resources available to each of us if we choose to walk through the inner gateway to our own Sanctuary Within. Take the first steps toward opening the gifts that reside within you so you may embrace your very best life in harmony, joy and abundance.

And Please Remember:

The intention of one becomes the power of many. You hold the key to raising the vibration of our beautiful planet Earth. The Radiant Light begins with one person’s conscious choice to live with gratitude, hope and radical trust in the bright and peaceful present and future of our Universe.



Cathy Corcoran Cherkes is a divine channel, energy healer, spiritual mentor and artist. She offers a variety of healing services, readings and workshops that focus on the balancing of mind-body-spirit so that people may learn to self-heal and live to their fullest potential.

"Only Dance and There Will Be Music,
Only Love and There Will Be Light"


Healing. Insight. Inspiration. Transformation



A hands-off energy healing system that encourages the gentle release of negativity and blockages in all forms and then heals, nourishes, and uplifts you on all levels of mind-body-spirit.



Channeled guidance & oracle cards bring you in direct contact with your own spiritual team, and you will receive clear answers, tools, and guidance in a supportive, loving energy.



Merging intuition and art, watch as a uniquely personalized watercolor collage of symbols is created especially for you based upon your soul’s journey through many lifetimes.



Loved ones, spirit guides, Archangels, Ascended Masters, pets, and even those we have known from past lives have the opportunity to tap out their heartfelt messages of love and healing to us.

A session with Cathy is like coming home. She creates a warm, caring atmosphere that makes you feel completely relaxed, welcomed, and safe. She has a unique ability to help a person come to their own understanding of what they need to move forward to find the joy and peace they are looking for. Through her healing sessions and consultations, she is able to help you bridge the gap between where you are and where you most want to be in your life.
— Kathleen, Program Administrator and Teacher

"Inhale sky. Exhale stars."
~ Vytautaseneyevich



Join Cathy @ Circle of Wisdom for these upcoming in-person Workshops and Healing Sessions.

3 Mighty Archangels, 3 Mighty Rays: The Tools for Daily Energy Optimization
Sun, Mar 6, 12:30 - 2:30pm
CLICK HERE to find out more & register

Co-Creating with the Archangels
Sun, Apr 3
, 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
CLICK HERE to find our more & register

Returning to Joy: Channeled Celestial Guidance & Healing with Cathy Corcoran
Tue, Mar 22: 12 pm - 6 pm
Sat, Mar 26: 10 am - 5 pm
Tue, Apr 12: 12 pm - 6 pm
CLICK HERE to schedule your session.



Learn to access your own amazing gifts and use all the resources that are readily available to all of us once we develop our channel to the Higher Realms.

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A Variety of Workshops on Spiritual/Intuitive Development, Crystal Mastery, Zentangle©, and Expressive Arts.